The Bowdoin Store


Regular Hours

Monday-Friday, 8:30-5:00
Saturday, 11:00-4:00
Sunday, CLOSED


End of Semester Buyback Hours

Textbook Buyback/eCampus Rental Returns will be held outside of our Smith Union store:

Friday, December 13, 8:30-5
Monday-Friday, December 16-20, 8:30-5
We will scan ANY BOOK to see if it has value, regardless of whether it was used at Bowdoin or bought elsewhere.
The Bowdoin Store
The Bowdoin Store is owned and operated by Bowdoin College, and offers the full range of official Bowdoin merchandise, faculty and alumni books, as well as the opportunity to buy competitively-priced textbooks for all Bowdoin classes.

The Bowdoin Store in Smith Union: